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Accessories в Aion


Accessories allow you to further develop and customize your character and its attributes. You have several slots in your character sheet for these items; Head, Necklace, Earrings (2 slots), Rings (2 slots), and Belts.

All Accessories can be used by all classes. However, you may find some are better suited to a specific class due to the bonus attributes most items contain. For instance you may find a head gear item that is more suited to a Scout class versus one more suited for a Priest or Mage class.

In all, Accessories allow you to customize your character depending upon the role you wish it to fullfill.

Accessory Types

Flight Accessories and Wing Feathers

Flight Accessories allow you the ability to increase your ability to fly. They do this by either increasing the speed at which you fly or by increasing the maximum time of your flight timer.

Wing Tuners (or feathers) allow you to change the look of your wings as well as increase your flight abilities. The earliest these items can be used is level 30 at which time the Wing Tuner vendor will send you a letter via mail and a quest will begin that takes you to them. In addition to changing the style of your wings, these items drastically increase the maximum time on your Flight Timer.

Wing Feather of the Black Cloud Traders is a Wing Tuner exclusive to those who have purchased the original Aion Limited Collector’s Edition.


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