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Ghost of Peasant Leader (Призрак Главаря Крестьян)

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
Рейдовый Босс Призрак Главаря Крестьян
  Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50 (Raid Boss - Level 50) - Один из предводителей крестьян, сопротивлявшихся беспощадному правлению Повелителя Эштона. Он был схвачен и жестоко казнен его кровожадными солдатами, но даже это его не остановило. Чтобы свергнуть Эштона, он договорился с Дьяволом и вернулся к жизни. Но этот пакт превратило его когда-то благородные устремления в прах, обернув его самого в монстра, владеющего силой магии Зла..  Рейдовый Босс (Raid Boss) - Если персонаж, нанесший наибольший урон, выше, чем монстр, на 3 или более уровней, то награда в виде предметов и аден уменьшается. Если разница составляет 9 или более уровней, награды не будет вовсе.  Понижение MP (Decrease MP) - Понижает доступное количество ед. MP цели. Эффект 2.  Кровотечение (Bleed) - Наносит рану, которая понижает HP. Эффект 2.
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:213 145
Кол-во Exp:3 551 193
Кол-во SP:422 350
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader (Призрак Главаря Крестьян) — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • la2 interlude Один из предводителей крестьян, сопротивлявшихся беспощадному правлению Повелителя Эштона. Он был схвачен и жестоко казнен его кровожадными солдатами, но даже это его не остановило. Чтобы свергнуть Эштона, он договорился с Дьяволом и вернулся к жизни. Но этот пакт превратило его когда-то благородные устремления в прах, обернув его самого в монстра, владеющего силой магии Зла..


квесты GodНа этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
квесты high five Memento Mori 2 — 5 75.7900%
предметы la2 Destruction Tombstone 1 — 3 66.2800%
квесты ла2 Great Axe Head 12 — 36 32.3000%
goddess of destruction Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 27.0900%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 21.3200%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 20.0400%
квесты freya Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 17.2500%
всё о ghost of peasant leader (Призрак Главаря Крестьян) в lineage Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 15.0400%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 13.8200%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 8.6720%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 5.4210%
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 81 — 243 4.7230%
Great Axe 1 — 1 4.3580%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 3.3320%

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
Рейдовый Босс Призрак Главаря Крестьян
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:213 145
Кол-во Exp:3 551 193
Кол-во SP:422 350
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader (Призрак Главаря Крестьян) — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • Один из предводителей крестьян, сопротивлявшихся беспощадному правлению Повелителя Эштона. Он был схвачен и жестоко казнен его кровожадными солдатами, но даже это его не остановило. Чтобы свергнуть Эштона, он договорился с Дьяволом и вернулся к жизни. Но этот пакт превратило его когда-то благородные устремления в прах, обернув его самого в монстра, владеющего силой магии Зла..
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Memento Mori 2 — 5 61.6125%
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 3 53.6109%
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 31.3650%
Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 26.3377%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 21.0701%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 21.0290%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 17.5584%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 15.0500%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 14.5465%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 8.6886%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 5.4316%
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 81 — 243 4.7311%
Great Axe 1 — 1 4.3795%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 3.3411%

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow  Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Decrease MP - Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 2.  Bleed - Inflicts a wound that reduces HP. Effect 2.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:213 145
Кол-во Exp:3 551 193
Кол-во SP:422 350
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 31.3650%
Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 26.3377%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 21.0701%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 21.0290%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 17.5584%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 15.0500%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 14.5465%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 8.6886%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 5.4316%
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 81 — 243 4.7311%
Great Axe 1 — 1 4.3795%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 3.3411%

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow  Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Decrease MP - Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 2.  Bleed - Inflicts a wound that reduces HP. Effect 2.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:507 285
Кол-во Exp:2 494 222
Кол-во SP:346 727
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 31.3650%
Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 26.3377%
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 3 25.0000%
Memento Mori 2 — 5 25.0000%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 21.0701%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 21.0290%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 17.5584%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 15.0500%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 14.5465%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 8.6886%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 5.4316%
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 81 — 243 4.7311%
Great Axe 1 — 1 4.3795%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 3.3411%

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow  Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Decrease MP - Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 2.  Bleed - Inflicts a wound that reduces HP. Effect 2.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:507 285
Кол-во Exp:2 494 222
Кол-во SP:346 727
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 31.3650%
Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 26.3377%
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 3 25.0000%
Memento Mori 2 — 5 25.0000%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 21.0701%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 21.0290%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 17.5584%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 15.0500%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 14.5465%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 8.6886%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 5.4316%
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 81 — 243 4.7311%
Great Axe 1 — 1 4.3795%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 3.3411%

Raid Boss Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow  Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Decrease MP - Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 2.  Bleed - Inflicts a wound that reduces HP. Effect 2.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:507 285
Кол-во Exp:2 494 222
Кол-во SP:346 727
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 9 — 27 33.2914%
Destruction Tombstone 7 — 7 25.0000%
Memento Mori (B-Grade) 4 — 4 25.0000%
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 24.5230%
Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 20.5924%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 16.4739%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 16.4418%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 13.7283%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 11.7670%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 11.3733%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 5.2245%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 3.2586%
Great Axe 1 — 1 2.6354%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 2.2296%

Ghost of Peasant Leader (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow  Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Decrease MP - Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 2.  Bleed - Inflicts a wound that reduces HP. Effect 2.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:132 487
Кол-во Exp:2 494 222
Кол-во SP:346 727
Локации:War-Torn Plains

Ghost of Peasant Leader — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях War-Torn Plains.

  • One of the leaders of the peasants who resisted the merciless rule of Lord Ashton. He was ultimately captured and brutally executed by Ashton's cruel soldiers. Yet even that did not stop him. To overthrow Ashton, he made a contract with a devil and came back to life. But the devil's bargain turned his once noble ideals towards loathing, turning him into a monster with the power of evil magic.
На этой странице не хватает скриншота Файл:Ghost of Peasant Leader, Screenshot.jpg. Вы можете помочь энциклопедии, закачав его сюда.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric 9 — 27 33.2900%
Great Axe Head 12 — 36 24.5200%
lineage 2 Greater Dye of CON (Con+3 Dex-3) 2 — 6 20.5900%
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Str-3) 3 — 7 16.4700%
Avadon Leather Armor Lining 14 — 42 16.4400%
la2 Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+3 Con-3) 3 — 9 13.7300%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) 21 — 63 11.7700%
Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture 40 — 120 11.3700%
Zubei's Leather Gaiters 1 — 1 5.2200%
Zubei's Leather Shirt 1 — 1 3.2600%
Great Axe 1 — 1 2.6400%
Avadon Leather Armor 1 — 1 2.2300%


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