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Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (Тилион Первый Помощник Закена)

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
Рейдовый Босс Тилион Первый Помощник Закена
  Рейдовый Босс (Raid Boss) - Если персонаж, нанесший наибольший урон, выше, чем монстр, на 3 или более уровней, то награда в виде предметов и аден уменьшается. Если разница составляет 9 или более уровней, награды не будет вовсе.  Уязвимость к Дубинам (Blunt Weapon Weak Point) - Уязвим к оружию типа дубина.  Сопротивление Кинжалам и Рапирам (Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon) - Сопротивление атакам кинжалами и рапирами.  Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50 (Raid Boss - Level 50) - Сторонник Короля Пиратов Закена. Он подговорил команду к бунту после того, как Закен сообщит ему точное местоположение своих сказочных сокровищ. Он стал первой жертвой воскресшего в бессмертном теле Закена. Позднее его воскресили, чтобы охранять Остров Дьявола от любых посягательств.  Удержание (Hold) - Вы обездвижены невидимой силой.
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:155 046
Кол-во Exp:2 389 767
Кол-во SP:281 312
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (Тилион Первый Помощник Закена) — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • la2 interlude Сторонник Короля Пиратов Закена. Он подговорил команду к бунту после того, как Закен сообщит ему точное местоположение своих сказочных сокровищ. Он стал первой жертвой воскресшего в бессмертном теле Закена. Позднее его воскресили, чтобы охранять Остров Дьявола от любых посягательств.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
квесты God Memento Mori 1 — 3 87.6000%
квесты high five Destruction Tombstone 1 — 1 82.3600%
предметы la2 Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 34.2700%
квесты ла2 Kris Edge 4 — 12 33.7900%
goddess of destruction Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 2 — 4 22.3700%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 21.1300%
всё о  в lineage Hell Knife Edge 8 — 22 17.3700%
квесты freya Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 2 — 6 16.5400%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 14.7700%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 8.9060%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 7.3710%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 7.3620%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 5.1800%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 5.1390%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 116 — 346 3.8120%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.9460%
Kris 1 — 1 1.4310%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 1.3560%

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
Рейдовый Босс Тилион Первый Помощник Закена
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:155 046
Кол-во Exp:2 389 767
Кол-во SP:281 312
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (Тилион Первый Помощник Закена) — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Сторонник Короля Пиратов Закена. Он подговорил команду к бунту после того, как Закен сообщит ему точное местоположение своих сказочных сокровищ. Он стал первой жертвой воскресшего в бессмертном теле Закена. Позднее его воскресили, чтобы охранять Остров Дьявола от любых посягательств.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 1 62.8921%
Memento Mori 1 — 3 62.8921%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 33.2294%
Kris Edge 4 — 12 32.4945%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 2 — 4 22.1529%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 21.5872%
Hell Knife Edge 8 — 22 17.3304%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 2 — 6 16.6147%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 15.3509%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 8.8393%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 116 — 346 3.8598%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.9938%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 1.3814%
Kris 1 — 1 1.3814%

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Hold - You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:155 046
Кол-во Exp:2 389 767
Кол-во SP:281 312
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 33.2294%
Kris Edge 4 — 12 32.4945%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 2 — 4 22.1529%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 21.5872%
Hell Knife Edge 8 — 22 17.3304%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 2 — 6 16.6147%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 15.3509%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 8.8393%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 116 — 346 3.8598%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.9938%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 1.3814%
Kris 1 — 1 1.3814%

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Hold - You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:369 009
Кол-во Exp:1 195 137
Кол-во SP:169 534
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 33.2294%
la2 Kris Edge 4 — 12 32.4945%
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 1 25.0000%
Memento Mori 1 — 3 25.0000%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 2 — 4 22.1529%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 21.5872%
Hell Knife Edge 8 — 22 17.3304%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 2 — 6 16.6147%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 15.3509%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 8.8393%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 116 — 346 3.8598%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.9938%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 1.3814%
Kris 1 — 1 1.3814%

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Hold - You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:369 009
Кол-во Exp:1 195 137
Кол-во SP:169 534
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 33.2294%
Kris Edge 4 — 12 32.4945%
Destruction Tombstone 1 — 1 25.0000%
Memento Mori 1 — 3 25.0000%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 2 — 4 22.1529%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 21.5872%
Hell Knife Edge 8 — 22 17.3304%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 2 — 6 16.6147%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 15.3509%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 8.8393%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 7.3415%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 5.1388%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 116 — 346 3.8598%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.9938%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 1.3814%
Kris 1 — 1 1.3814%

Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Hold - You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:369 009
Кол-во Exp:1 195 137
Кол-во SP:169 534
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.
Raid Boss Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Hell Knife Edge 2 — 4 47.9447%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 1 — 1 36.7730%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 1 — 1 36.7730%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 11 — 31 23.4931%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 18.3865%
Kris Edge 4 — 12 17.9793%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 11.9448%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 8.4941%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 4.8911%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 3.1231%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 3.1231%
Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 2.1878%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 2.1878%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.1033%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 0.5883%
Kris 1 — 1 0.5883%

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50)
  Raid Boss - Level 50 - Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Hold - You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:61 148
Кол-во Exp:1 195 137
Кол-во SP:169 534
Локации:Devil's Isle

Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion — Рейдовый Босс 50 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Devil's Isle.

  • Thi subordinate of Pirate King Zaken instigated the crew to mutiny after Zaken told him the location of his fabled treasure. When Zaken returned as an immortal undead, Tilion was the first he killed - rather gruesomely. He was later resurrected and entrusted with slaying anyone setting foot on Devil's Isle.
 Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Hell Knife Edge 2 — 4 47.9400%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3) 1 — 1 36.7700%
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3) 1 — 1 36.7700%
Zubei's Shield Fragment 11 — 31 23.4900%
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3) 1 — 3 18.3900%
Kris Edge 4 — 12 17.9800%
Zubei's Helmet Design 16 — 48 11.9400%
Avadon Circlet Pattern 23 — 67 8.4900%
Avadon Shield Fragment 60 — 180 4.8900%
Avadon Shield 1 — 1 3.1200%
Zubei's Shield 1 — 1 3.1200%
lineage 2 Avadon Circlet 1 — 1 2.1900%
Zubei's Helmet 1 — 1 2.1900%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) 1 — 1 1.1000%
Hell Knife 1 — 1 0.5900%
Kris 1 — 1 0.5900%


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