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Soul Scavenger (Собиратель Душ)

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
Рейдовый Босс Собиратель Душ
  Сопротивление Кинжалам и Рапирам (Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon) - Сопротивление атакам кинжалами и рапирами.  Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25 (Raid Boss - Level 25) - Этот призрак бродит по Руинам Страданий, забирая души неосторожных путешественников. Духи жителей, убитых во время войны, были призваны и порабощены могущественной темной магией последователей Белефа.  Рейдовый Босс (Raid Boss) - Если персонаж, нанесший наибольший урон, выше, чем монстр, на 3 или более уровней, то награда в виде предметов и аден уменьшается. Если разница составляет 9 или более уровней, награды не будет вовсе.  Уязвимость к Дубинам (Blunt Weapon Weak Point) - Уязвим к оружию типа дубина.  Сон (Sleep) - Вы обездвижены и без сознания.  Понижение Физ. Атк. (Decrease P. Atk.) - Мгновенно понижает Физ. Атк. Эффект 1.
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:43 316
Кол-во Exp:2 541 012
Кол-во SP:79 280
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger (Собиратель Душ) — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • la2 interlude Этот призрак бродит по Руинам Страданий, забирая души неосторожных путешественников. Духи жителей, убитых во время войны, были призваны и порабощены могущественной темной магией последователей Белефа.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
квесты God Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 3 — 9 36.7100%
квесты high five Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 23.1100%
предметы la2 Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 10.7900%
квесты ла2 Gauntlets 3 — 9 7.2050%
goddess of destruction Iron Boots 4 — 10 6.1090%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 5.3490%
Boots of Knowledge 5 — 13 4.8040%
квесты freya Reinforced Leather Gloves 5 — 15 4.3170%
всё о soul scavenger (Собиратель Душ) в lineage Gloves of Knowledge 6 — 16 3.9630%

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
Рейдовый Босс Собиратель Душ
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:43 316
Кол-во Exp:2 541 012
Кол-во SP:79 280
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger (Собиратель Душ) — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • Этот призрак бродит по Руинам Страданий, забирая души неосторожных путешественников. Духи жителей, убитых во время войны, были призваны и порабощены могущественной темной магией последователей Белефа.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 3 — 9 38.0816%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 23.7073%
Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 10.4396%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 7.1556%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 6.1334%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 5.3667%
Boots of Knowledge 5 — 13 4.7704%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 5 — 15 4.2934%
Gloves of Knowledge 6 — 16 3.9030%

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Decrease P. Atk. - Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.  Sleep - You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:43 316
Кол-во Exp:2 541 012
Кол-во SP:79 280
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 3 — 9 38.0816%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 23.7073%
Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 10.4396%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 7.1556%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 6.1334%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 5.3667%
Boots of Knowledge 5 — 13 4.7704%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 5 — 15 4.2934%
Gloves of Knowledge 6 — 16 3.9030%

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Decrease P. Atk. - Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.  Sleep - You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:103 092
Кол-во Exp:612 533
Кол-во SP:52 699
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 3 — 9 38.0816%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 23.7073%
Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 10.4396%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 7.1556%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 6.1334%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 5.3667%
Boots of Knowledge 5 — 13 4.7704%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 5 — 15 4.2934%
Gloves of Knowledge 6 — 16 3.9030%

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Decrease P. Atk. - Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.  Sleep - You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:103 092
Кол-во Exp:612 533
Кол-во SP:52 699
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 3 — 9 380.8162%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 23.7073%
Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 10.4396%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 7.1556%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 6.1334%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 5.3667%
Boots of Knowledge 5 — 13 4.7704%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 5 — 15 4.2934%
Gloves of Knowledge 6 — 16 3.9030%

Raid Boss Soul Scavenger (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Decrease P. Atk. - Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.  Sleep - You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:103 092
Кол-во Exp:612 533
Кол-во SP:52 699
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.
Raid Boss Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 1 — 3 66.6882%
Boots of Knowledge 1 — 1 19.2897%
la2 Gloves of Knowledge 1 — 1 19.2897%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 1 — 1 19.2897%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 10.6402%
Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 6.0941%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 3.2150%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 2.7557%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 2.4112%

Soul Scavenger (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Blunt Weapon Weak Point - Vulnerable to Blunt Weapons.  Resist Daggers/Rapier Weapon - Resistant to Dagger/Rapier attacks.  Decrease P. Atk. - Instantly reduces P. Atk. Effect 1.  Sleep - You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:22 463
Кол-во Exp:612 533
Кол-во SP:52 699
Локации:Ruins of Agony

Soul Scavenger — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Agony.

  • These Ghosts wander the Ruins of Agony, taking the souls of careless adventurers. Originally residents slain during the war, their spirits were called forth and controlled by the powerful dark magic of Beleth's followers.
 Soul Scavenger


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) 1 — 3 66.6900%
Boots of Knowledge 1 — 1 19.2900%
Gloves of Knowledge 1 — 1 19.2900%
Reinforced Leather Gloves 1 — 1 19.2900%
Triple-Edged Jamadhr 1 — 1 10.6400%
lineage 2 Iron Boots Design 60 — 180 6.0900%
Gauntlets 3 — 9 3.2100%
Iron Boots 4 — 10 2.7600%
Reinforced Leather Boots 4 — 12 2.4100%


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