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Ikuntai (Икунтай)

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
Рейдовый Босс Икунтай
  Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25 (Raid Boss - Level 25) - Изготовленный из тьмы злыми некромантами для исполнения их желаний. Известно, что он тесно связан с луной. Множество исследователей было отправлено мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости для изучения его истинного предназначения, и никто из них не устоял перед темными силами, все они встали на сторону тьмы. С тех пор Башня Слоновой Кости запретила любые дальнейшие попытки изучения Икунтая.  Рейдовый Босс (Raid Boss) - Если персонаж, нанесший наибольший урон, выше, чем монстр, на 3 или более уровней, то награда в виде предметов и аден уменьшается. Если разница составляет 9 или более уровней, награды не будет вовсе.
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:56 644
Кол-во Exp:1 589 296
Кол-во SP:122 871
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai (Икунтай) — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • la2 interlude Изготовленный из тьмы злыми некромантами для исполнения их желаний. Известно, что он тесно связан с луной. Множество исследователей было отправлено мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости для изучения его истинного предназначения, и никто из них не устоял перед темными силами, все они встали на сторону тьмы. С тех пор Башня Слоновой Кости запретила любые дальнейшие попытки изучения Икунтая.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
квесты God Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 30.9300%
квесты high five Black Pearl Ring 3 — 7 28.9700%
предметы la2 Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 25.6500%
квесты ла2 Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 72 — 216 22.9800%
goddess of destruction Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 13.2400%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 12.7000%
квесты freya Staff of Magic 1 — 1 12.2600%
всё о ikuntai (Икунтай) в lineage Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 8.7280%

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
Рейдовый Босс Икунтай
Раса:Нежить - Поднятые из могил с помощью Черной Магии, проклятия или злой волей, большинству этих существ недостает ума, так что они способны выполнять лишь простейшие действия. Тем не менее высшая нежить обладает обширными знаниями по сравнении с обычными смертными. Undead
Кол-во HP:56 644
Кол-во Exp:1 589 296
Кол-во SP:122 871
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai (Икунтай) — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • Изготовленный из тьмы злыми некромантами для исполнения их желаний. Известно, что он тесно связан с луной. Множество исследователей было отправлено мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости для изучения его истинного предназначения, и никто из них не устоял перед темными силами, все они встали на сторону тьмы. С тех пор Башня Слоновой Кости запретила любые дальнейшие попытки изучения Икунтая.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 29.8017%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 7 27.8665%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 25.0976%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 72 — 216 22.0513%
Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 13.2967%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 12.3685%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 12.3685%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 8.7215%

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers  were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:56 644
Кол-во Exp:1 589 296
Кол-во SP:122 871
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 29.8017%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 7 27.8665%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 25.0976%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 72 — 216 22.0513%
Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 13.2967%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 12.3685%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 12.3685%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 8.7215%

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers  were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:134 813
Кол-во Exp:1 278 325
Кол-во SP:108 133
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 29.8017%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 7 27.8665%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 25.0976%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 72 — 216 22.0513%
Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 13.2967%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 12.3685%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 12.3685%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 8.7215%

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers  were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:134 813
Кол-во Exp:1 278 325
Кол-во SP:108 133
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 29.8017%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 7 27.8665%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 25.0976%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 72 — 216 22.0513%
Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 13.2967%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 12.3685%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 12.3685%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 8.7215%

Raid Boss Ikuntai (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers  were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:134 813
Кол-во Exp:1 278 325
Кол-во SP:108 133
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.
Raid Boss Ikuntai


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 24.9784%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 60 — 180 22.1791%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 21.0358%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 9 15.0071%
lineage 2 Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 8.5622%
Spiked Club 1 — 1 7.9707%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 7.9707%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 5.6211%

Ikuntai (25)
  Raid Boss - Level 25 - A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers  were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Раса:link=Монстры/Undead - Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. Undead
Кол-во HP:48 671
Кол-во Exp:1 278 322
Кол-во SP:108 133
Локации:Ruins of Despair

Ikuntai — Рейдовый Босс 25 уровня Undead расы. Обитает в локациях Ruins of Despair.

  • A handiwork of darkness created by evil necromancers to contain their desire. It is known that he has a close relationship with the moon. Although many researchers were dispatched from the Ivory Tower to learn his true purpose, all of them succumbed to Ikuntai's dark power and joined the side of evil. The Ivory Tower has since forbidden any further study of Ikuntai.


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 60 — 180 24.9800%
Tiger's Eye Earring Stone 60 — 180 22.1800%
Spiked Club Head 12 — 36 21.0400%
Black Pearl Ring 3 — 9 15.0100%
Tiger's Eye Earring 4 — 10 8.5600%
la2 Spiked Club 1 — 1 7.9700%
Staff of Magic 1 — 1 7.9700%
Near Forest Necklace 4 — 12 5.6200%

См. также


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