Дополнительная информация
- Уровень: 55
- Требует уровень: 48
- Сторона: Орда
- Начало: Майбесса Речной Ветер
- Конец: Майбесса Речной Ветер
- Раздается
- Сложность: 48 51 53 58 66
- Добавлено в обновлении 1.11.1
Лекарство из распыленных предметов в WoWПрогрессThe power of a disenchanted magical item is felt by the essence it creates. I've devised a way to turn raw essence used by enchanters into a suitable reagent for creating Cenarion plant salve. You don't need a Cenarion beacon for this; any suitably disenchanted item that yields lesser nether essences will work.
I just need a single lesser nether essence; in exchange, I will give you Cenarion plant salves. The essence is extremely potent - a little definitely goes a long way!Here are some Cenarion plant salves - I only need one lesser nether essence for this, <имя>. Essence is by far the most potent item I can make use of to turn swords into plowshares, as it were. If you need more salve, then find me here! НаградыВы получите: (или 36 на 90-м уровне)БонусПо завершении этого задания, вы получите: