Refugee Applicant Leo(Отчаявшийся Беженец Лео) — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Аристократ из Грации, у которого не было возможности вернуться на родину после поражения в войне Адена и Грации, во время которой он заблудился вместе со своими солдатами внутри Башни Крума. Пока он был внутри, ему удалось убедить нескольких титанов присоединиться к отряду. Когда же он наконец выбрался из Башни, война уже закончилась. Все, с чем он остался в итоге – несколько верных слуг и огромная награда, назначенная за его голову. В настоящее время он отчаянно пытается прорваться в Королевство Эльмор, чтобы сохранить свою жизнь.
Refugee Applicant Leo(Отчаявшийся Беженец Лео) — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Аристократ из Грации, у которого не было возможности вернуться на родину после поражения в войне Адена и Грации, во время которой он заблудился вместе со своими солдатами внутри Башни Крума. Пока он был внутри, ему удалось убедить нескольких титанов присоединиться к отряду. Когда же он наконец выбрался из Башни, война уже закончилась. Все, с чем он остался в итоге – несколько верных слуг и огромная награда, назначенная за его голову. В настоящее время он отчаянно пытается прорваться в Королевство Эльмор, чтобы сохранить свою жизнь.
Refugee Hopeful Leo — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Gracia's Great Noble who was not able to return to his country after losing in the Aden-Gracia War. During the war, he became lost inside of Cruma Tower with his troops. While inside the tower he had the opportunity to recruit a few Titans to his cause. When he finally escaped from the tower, the war was already over. The only thing he was left with was a few loyal servants and an enormous bounty on his head. Presently, he is desperately trying to flee to Elmore Kingdom to preserve his life.
Refugee Hopeful Leo — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Gracia's Great Noble who was not able to return to his country after losing in the Aden-Gracia War. During the war, he became lost inside of Cruma Tower with his troops. While inside the tower he had the opportunity to recruit a few Titans to his cause. When he finally escaped from the tower, the war was already over. The only thing he was left with was a few loyal servants and an enormous bounty on his head. Presently, he is desperately trying to flee to Elmore Kingdom to preserve his life.
Refugee Hopeful Leo — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Gracia's Great Noble who was not able to return to his country after losing in the Aden-Gracia War. During the war, he became lost inside of Cruma Tower with his troops. While inside the tower he had the opportunity to recruit a few Titans to his cause. When he finally escaped from the tower, the war was already over. The only thing he was left with was a few loyal servants and an enormous bounty on his head. Presently, he is desperately trying to flee to Elmore Kingdom to preserve his life.
Refugee Hopeful Leo — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Gracia's Great Noble who was not able to return to his country after losing in the Aden-Gracia War. During the war, he became lost inside of Cruma Tower with his troops. While inside the tower he had the opportunity to recruit a few Titans to his cause. When he finally escaped from the tower, the war was already over. The only thing he was left with was a few loyal servants and an enormous bounty on his head. Presently, he is desperately trying to flee to Elmore Kingdom to preserve his life.
Refugee Hopeful Leo — Рейдовый Босс 56 уровня Humanoids расы. Обитает в локациях Outlaw Forest.
Gracia's Great Noble who was not able to return to his country after losing in the Aden-Gracia War. During the war, he became lost inside of Cruma Tower with his troops. While inside the tower he had the opportunity to recruit a few Titans to his cause. When he finally escaped from the tower, the war was already over. The only thing he was left with was a few loyal servants and an enormous bounty on his head. Presently, he is desperately trying to flee to Elmore Kingdom to preserve his life.