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Emily's Recipe (Рецепт Эмили)

la2 interludeEmily's Recipe квесты God
Рецепт Эмили
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Рецепт Эмили

  • Прекрасный рецепт, символ изобилия. Отнесите его Рабочему Склада Парману в Гиран.

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Town of Giran.

квесты high fiveEmily's Recipe предметы la2
Рецепт Эмили
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Рецепт Эмили

  • Прекрасный рецепт, символ изобилия. Отнесите его Смотрителю Склада Парману в Гиран.

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Town of Giran.

  • . . .

квесты ла2Emily's Recipe goddess of destruction
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Giran Castle Town.

Emily's Recipe квесты freya
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Giran Castle Town.

la2Emily's Recipe всё о  в lineage
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Giran Castle Town.

Emily's Recipe 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Giran Castle Town.

Emily's Recipe 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Emily's Recipe

  • A recipe good for childbirth and childbirth recovery. The proof of fertility. Take this to Warehouse Keeper Parman of Giran Castle Town.

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