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Storm Winged Naga (Нага Буреносец)

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
Рейдовый Босс Нага Буреносец
  Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 75 (Raid Boss - Level 75) - Слуга Дракона Ветра Линдвиора был тяжело ранен во время Войны Богов, спрятался в глубине леса и уснул. Его долгое оцепенение закончилось, когда сила Шилен начала излучаться из Башни Дерзости. Он обладает меньшими размерами по сравнению с типичными дрейками, и порой его можно спутать с самим Драконом Ветра из-за быстроты его движений.  Рейдовый Босс (Raid Boss) - Если персонаж, нанесший наибольший урон, выше, чем монстр, на 3 или более уровней, то награда в виде предметов и аден уменьшается. Если разница составляет 9 или более уровней, награды не будет вовсе.  Оглушение (Stun) - Вы оглушены и временно лишены возможности передвижения.
Раса:Драконы - Это название напоминает об Истинных Драконах, которые являются самыми могущественными воплощениями зла из тех, кому дала жизнь Шилен. Большинство представителей этой древней расы похожи на крылатых рептилий, могут летать и изрыгают энергии стихий из своих страшных пастей. Dragons
Кол-во HP:794 875
Кол-во Exp:5 231 148
Кол-во SP:864 099
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga (Нага Буреносец) — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • la2 interlude Слуга Дракона Ветра Линдвиора был тяжело ранен во время Войны Богов, спрятался в глубине леса и уснул. Его долгое оцепенение закончилось, когда сила Шилен начала излучаться из Башни Дерзости. Он обладает меньшими размерами по сравнению с типичными дрейками, и порой его можно спутать с самим Драконом Ветра из-за быстроты его движений.
    Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
квесты God Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 74.0400%
квесты high five Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 11 — 31 29.5600%
предметы la2 Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 19.5800%
квесты ла2 Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 18.6600%
goddess of destruction Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 12.2200%
всё о storm winged naga (Нага Буреносец) в lineage Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 6.5750%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 5.0350%
квесты freya Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.2960%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.6200%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.6170%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.5440%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.0000%

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
Рейдовый Босс Нага Буреносец
Раса:Драконы - Это название напоминает об Истинных Драконах, которые являются самыми могущественными воплощениями зла из тех, кому дала жизнь Шилен. Большинство представителей этой древней расы похожи на крылатых рептилий, могут летать и изрыгают энергии стихий из своих страшных пастей. Dragons
Кол-во HP:794 875
Кол-во Exp:5 231 148
Кол-во SP:864 099
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga (Нага Буреносец) — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • Слуга Дракона Ветра Линдвиора был тяжело ранен во время Войны Богов, спрятался в глубине леса и уснул. Его долгое оцепенение закончилось, когда сила Шилен начала излучаться из Башни Дерзости. Он обладает меньшими размерами по сравнению с типичными дрейками, и порой его можно спутать с самим Драконом Ветра из-за быстроты его движений.
Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 73.3315%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 11 — 31 29.1329%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 20.6149%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 19.1185%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 11.6879%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 6.5184%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 5.0982%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.2482%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.0584%

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
  Raid Boss - Level 75 - The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Stun - You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement.
Раса: Dragons
Кол-во HP:794 875
Кол-во Exp:5 231 148
Кол-во SP:864 099
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 73.3315%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 11 — 31 29.1329%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 20.6149%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 19.1185%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 11.6879%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 6.5184%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 5.0982%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.2482%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.0584%

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
  Raid Boss - Level 75 - The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Stun - You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement.
Раса: Dragons
Кол-во HP:1 891 801
Кол-во Exp:2 238 750
Кол-во SP:1 054 472
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 73.3315%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 11 — 31 29.1329%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 20.6149%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 19.1185%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 11.6879%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 6.5184%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 5.0982%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.2482%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.0584%

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
  Raid Boss - Level 75 - The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Stun - You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement.
Раса: Dragons
Кол-во HP:1 891 801
Кол-во Exp:2 238 750
Кол-во SP:1 054 472
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 73.3315%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 11 — 31 29.1329%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 20.6149%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 19.1185%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 11.6879%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 6.5184%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 5.0982%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.2482%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.5737%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.0584%

Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga (75)
  Raid Boss - Level 75 - The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Stun - You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement.
Раса: Dragons
Кол-во HP:1 891 801
Кол-во Exp:2 238 750
Кол-во SP:1 054 472
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Raid Boss Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 89.4876%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 25.1570%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 23.3304%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 14.2629%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 7.9545%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 6.2215%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 116 — 346 3.2320%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.4480%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.7141%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.7141%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.7141%
Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.1317%

Storm Winged Naga (75)
  Raid Boss - Level 75 - The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.  Raid Boss - If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.  Stun - You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement.
Раса: Dragons
Кол-во HP:501 018
Кол-во Exp:2 238 750
Кол-во SP:1 054 472
Локации:Blazing Swamp

Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.

  • The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
 Storm Winged Naga


Иконка Название предмета Кол-во Шанс
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 1 — 1 89.4900%
Draconic Bow Shaft 12 — 36 25.1600%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern 16 — 48 23.3300%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part 23 — 67 14.2600%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) 1 — 1 7.9500%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern 60 — 180 6.2200%
lineage 2 Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern 116 — 346 3.2300%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 1 — 1 2.4500%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet 1 — 1 1.7100%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 1 — 1 1.7100%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet 1 — 1 1.7100%
la2 Draconic Bow 1 — 1 1.1300%


всё очень понятно и просто изложено Рейтинг: 0

много полезного Рейтинг: 0

сочувствую тем кто пользуется другими базами знаний la2 Рейтинг: 0

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