Storm Winged Naga(Нага Буреносец) — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
Слуга Дракона Ветра Линдвиора был тяжело ранен во время Войны Богов, спрятался в глубине леса и уснул. Его долгое оцепенение закончилось, когда сила Шилен начала излучаться из Башни Дерзости. Он обладает меньшими размерами по сравнению с типичными дрейками, и порой его можно спутать с самим Драконом Ветра из-за быстроты его движений.
Storm Winged Naga(Нага Буреносец) — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
Слуга Дракона Ветра Линдвиора был тяжело ранен во время Войны Богов, спрятался в глубине леса и уснул. Его долгое оцепенение закончилось, когда сила Шилен начала излучаться из Башни Дерзости. Он обладает меньшими размерами по сравнению с типичными дрейками, и порой его можно спутать с самим Драконом Ветра из-за быстроты его движений.
Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.
Storm Winged Naga — Рейдовый Босс 75 уровня Dragons расы. Обитает в локациях Blazing Swamp.
The Storm Dragon Lindvior's underling. During the war against the gods, it fought together with the other dragons against the gods. After receiving a grave injury, it went deep into the woods and fell asleep. It recently awakened after feeling the power of Shilen flowing out from the Tower of Insolence. It is a bit smaller than a regular Drake, but because of its swift movements, it is sometimes mistaken for the Wind Dragon itself.