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Pure Ice (Чистый Лед)

la2 interludePure Ice квесты God
Чистый Лед
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Чистый Лед

  • Кусок чистейшего льда, созданного из очищенной воды. Говорят, он содержит силу богов с самого сотворения мира.

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

квесты high fivePure Ice предметы la2
Чистый Лед
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Чистый Лед

  • Кусок чистейшего льда, созданного из очищенной воды. Говорят, он содержит силу богов с самого сотворения мира.

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

  • . .

квесты ла2Pure Ice goddess of destruction
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

квесты freyaPure Ice la2
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

Pure Ice всё о pure ice (Чистый Лед) в lineage
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

Pure Ice 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

Pure Ice 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pure Ice

  • A chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning of the world.

Нужен для квестов

ТипНазвание квестаУрНачалоНаграда
Saga of the Eva's Templar
Сага Храмовника Евы
76Aden Territory 2299404
5000000 Adena (Адена)
Giant's Codex (Кодекс Гигантов)
Профессия Eva's Templar

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