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  • Загружен: Feb 08 2014 02:15 PM
  • Последнее обновление: Feb 08 2014 02:15 PM
  • Размер: 101.36К
  • Просмотров: 341
  • Скачан: 142

Скачать файл [Minecraft Моды] Server Tools [1.6.2]

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Мод добавит около 30 серверных команд для администраторов сервера или одиночной игры. Подобных команд раньше не было, и большинство из них имеют функции читов или креатива. Вы сможете телепортироваться, восстанавливать определенное количество здоровья, отображать разные сообщения, открывать чужие инвентари, делать бекапы... /backup: runs a world backup /butcher [range]: kills all non-player entities within the given range /disarm [player]: drops all items in the specified player's inventory on the ground /editteleport [set|delete] [name]: sets or deletes a specified teleport location /entitycount {all | <EntityName>}: lists number of loaded entities. Use "/entitycount all" to display detailed info and "/entitycount <EntityName>" to list number of that entity /heal [player] [amount]: heals the specified player's health by the specified amount (default 100%) /home {set|clear}: Use "/home set" to set your home, "/home clear" to clear your home, and "/home" to go home /inventory [player]: opens up another player's inventory as if it was your own /kill [player]: vanilla command modified to allow killing of other players /killall [entity]: kills all instances of the specified entity (ex. /killall spider, /killall item) /motd: displays the Message of the Day /reloadmotd: reloads the MOTD from file /removeall [{blockID} | "liquid"] [range]: removes all instances of the given block ID within given range of the player. Default for range is 20. "liquid" can be used in place of blockID to remove all liquids in the area. /silence [add|remove|reload] [username]: Ability to silence players from talking in server chat. Command syntax works the same way the vanilla /whitelist command does /spawn: teleports the player to the spawn point /spawnmob [mob] [amount]: spawns a desired amount of mobs /teleport [name]: teleports to the specified teleport location /tpall: teleports all players in the current dimension to the location of the command sender /tps ["all"|dimid]: shows the server's Ticks per Second stats. "/tps all" shows summary /tps [dimid] shows the TPS for the specified dimension /voice [add|remove|reload] [username]: Ability to voice users on your server (Colors their name as well as putting a [V] next to their username) Works the same way as the vanilla /whitelist command /whereis [player]: shows the current X,Y,Z coordinates as well as the dimension of the specified player

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